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Texas Jurisprudence Prep
Incorporates all the updated information necessary to pass the NEW Texas Jurisprudence Exam. We 100% guarantee our customers will pass this new test while earning 8 hours of CME including ethics that are also required. Contact our customer service representative for more information.

Updated for the upcoming 2025 exam changes.
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 Practice test/questions formatted like actual exam
 Exceptional 24/7 customer service - "live" person ready to assist
 Only course that is updated for 2025 exam changes
 Guaranteed to pass
 Only course custom tailored for exam
 Only Review with Ethics CME
 Save hours of time
 Multitask while you listen
 Entertainment and humor included
 Voted quickest and easiest way to pass exam
Are you prepared for changes in the Texas Jurisprudence Exam coming soon in 2025?
The best up-to-date study aid on the market and the only online study review course.
Now Offering 8 hours Ethics CME!
Only 3 lifetime chances. Can you afford to fail?
Over 600 pages of medical legal information condensed and simplified
Over a 99% pass rate
For the price of a speeding ticket you can fly through your jurisprudence exam
Save weeks of studying!
Time crunched? We can help!
Worth every penny! We make it painless!
Why use other study materials when we guarantee you'll pass?!
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"Dear Gerald and Sudip - THANK YOU!!! I passed yesterday with a 92, using only your materials for review. I think it's accurate to say you did a damn good job of preparing me for this exam. You were a life-saver!"
"Hands down BEST review course out there! This will definitely allow you to pass the exam. The questions at the end are very helpful. Lots of the other books out there do not have questions, are inadequate, and not worth the risk of having to take the exam twice. Plus, I got CME credit!"
"Thanks for an incredible, succinct and entertaining course! The exam was so easy after your review. I failed the first time due to the fact that the book was out of date and it was a waste of effort because it was not tailored for the actual exam."

"Great Review course! I failed 1st attempt with 72 points (needed 75). Then took your course and got 100%. Thanks again!"
"I just took the jurisprudence exam and got a 90 on the first attempt. I finished in 25 minutes. Your course saved my life! "
"Love the scenarios and examples, it would be confusing to just read in a book and grasp. Plus quizzes and ethics CME! Spoonfed for the exam. No wonder the pass rate is 99%! "

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